Other Medieval Weapons

From Ducatus to Regnum: Ruling Bavaria Below the Merovingians and Early Carolingians (Haute Moyen Age)

From Ducatus to Regnum: Ruling Bavaria Below the Merovingians and Early Carolingians (Haute Moyen Age) Bavaria was a extremely essential nation throughout the early Middle Ages. Its territory involved significantly of the modern day German state but also reached across the Alps into what are now Austria and northern Italy. Bavaria thus occupied a strategic…

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Other Medieval Weapons

A Significant-Scale Slave Society of the Early Middle Ages: Slaves and Their Families in Early-Medieval Bavaria Reviews

A Significant-Scale Slave Culture of the Early Middle Ages: Slaves and Their Families in Early-Medieval Bavaria This text is divided into three parts. The very first two chapters provide an introduction to the historical dilemma of early medieval slavery and a short background of Bavaria to provide track record details. The up coming 6 chapters…

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Swords of Honor