Medieval News

Why do some woman wear a coon tail tucked into the again of her skirt at a renaissance fair?

by Alaskan Dude Concern by Gloomy Birdy: Why do some lady use a coon tail tucked into the back again of her skirt at a renaissance fair? I was not long ago at the ren fest in Shakopee MN, and noticed many females with raccoon tails tucked in the back of their skirts. I have…

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Medieval News

Was England a “Christian Nation” when they BANNED all Jews from getting into for 300 a long time ?

by Renzo Ferrante Question by hindutrinity: Was England a “Christian Nation” when they BANNED all Jews from getting into for 300 many years ? Jews had been banned from entering BRITIAN for 300 many years, right up until Oliver Cromwell authorized their return. In the Middle Ages, lending funds with curiosity – usury – was…

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Q&A: does everyone remember a cartoon from several years in the past in which these soldiers received into there robot-like armor suits.

by mecruns24 Issue by kyle l: does anyone keep in mind a cartoon from numerous many years ago wherever these troopers received into there robot-like armor fits. the match have been kinda gentleman formed and had guns and shit on them. they acquired into these battlesuit and they hooked up in the again of there…

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Medieval Clothing

This guy isn’t genuinely all that into Renaissance Faire life. Really, he just thinks the hat and eye wear a jaunty.

A handful of great renaissance wear images I discovered: This man just isn’t genuinely all that into Renaissance Faire life. Genuinely, he just thinks the hat and eye put on a jaunty. Picture by colorblindPICASO An early shot from back when I was just learning to perform with depth of subject and &quotinteresting&quot framing. I…

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Other Medieval Weapons

Random Problem: Fave weapon to consider into a combat? (Close Overcome)?

Problem by Harry D: Random Problem: Fave weapon to just take into a fight? (Close Combat)? It can variety from say Frypans, Baseball Bats with nails, Someone’s severed leg, or i choose medieval weapons these kinds of as katanas, halberds, My individual favorite is Kusari-gama or scythe Greatest response: Solution by Understanding Is Bliss1 time…

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Medieval News

Some excellent information out about worldwide warming? Probably Greenland will turn into habitable once again.?

by rvacapinta Issue by Spider Boy: Some very good news out about worldwide warming? Possibly Greenland will turn into habitable once again.? Greenland’s ice sheet is melting at a quicker fee. Possibly the glaciers will recede to Medieval Warming Period latitudes and open up up some grazing and farmland! And to assume, there are those…

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Swords of Honor