Medieval News

isn’t the currant jury system just a primitive system we could easily change?

Question by : isn’t the currant jury system just a primitive system we could easily change? the jury system was invented in medieval england. in a time the authorities represented the king. so obviously it was the best way to make sure the law system was not just another way for the king to enforce…

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Medieval News

Q&A: Isn’t it scary that the UN can just alter the IPCC’s scientific findings and many don’t even notice?

by peterjr1961 Question by dumdum: Isn’t it scary that the UN can just alter the IPCC’s scientific findings and many don’t even notice? The IPCC’s original chart on temperature change originally showed (in the late 90s) that the Medieval Warm Period saw temperatures that were a lot warmer than today, the Modern Era. This…

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Medieval Clothing

This guy isn’t genuinely all that into Renaissance Faire life. Really, he just thinks the hat and eye wear a jaunty.

A handful of great renaissance wear images I discovered: This man just isn’t genuinely all that into Renaissance Faire life. Genuinely, he just thinks the hat and eye put on a jaunty. Picture by colorblindPICASO An early shot from back when I was just learning to perform with depth of subject and &quotinteresting&quot framing. I…

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Medieval News

Q&A: Liberals: If FOX News isn’t going to do Real reporting then how did they determine the Medieval-like barding on this?

Query by Koch Sucker: Liberals: If FOX News does not do Real reporting then how did they determine the Medieval-like barding on this? ghostly horseman? I imply, I do not know what “Medieval-like barding” seems like. (Properly, I do NOW but I failed to before I watched this). DO YOU???? Very best solution: Solution…

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Swords of Honor