Medieval News

Would you say this man represent wall street sociopaths,well?

Question by : Would you say this man represent wall street sociopaths,well? “”””” Charles Francis Flynn – known in his neighborhood as simply, Charlie is a 20th century American criminal. Charles was born in May of 1946 in Brooklyn, New York. Standing 6’3″ with a slim build, dark brown hair and light green Irish eyes.…

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Medieval News

Q&A: Would you watch web-casts of live gladiator fighting (the real deal, not for points, to the death).?

Question by MissDeviance: Would you watch web-casts of live gladiator fighting (the real deal, not for points, to the death).? See this story first: If he wins his case, what’s to stop a primative third-world country, like north Pakistan or North Korea, from featuring web casts that include live, human gladiator fights to the…

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Medieval News

Pacquaio or Mayweather? Which would you choose?

by lele3100 Question by Evander: Pacquaio or Mayweather? Which would you select? Personally I feel pacman will acquire if they fight. Pacquaio has blinding velocity, Mayweather has a ravaging defense. If you guys never know anything about medieval warfare, specially chinese and japanese medieval era war moments: Pace beats Protection. Offense beats Speed. Protection…

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Medieval News

Would you let a person tickle the soles of your barefeet in the stocks at a Renaissance Fair?

by Alaskan Dude Query by awesomdude76: Would you allow someone tickle the soles of your barefeet in the stocks at a Renaissance Fair? If you were at a Renaissance Fair, would you take into account acquiring your feet tickled in the stocks? Why or why not? Are the soles of your barefeet ticklish? The very…

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Other Medieval Weapons

Problem- What would you do if you have been locked in a space with one particular extremely considerably locked door, and all you had have been.?

Problem by Šmûřf¡n close to with ╚énñΦn: Question- What would you do if you were locked in a room with one very much locked door, and all you had ended up.? A role of hot pink duct tape, a vintage Superman lunch box with two bananas, a plastic knife and a pack of gummy worms…

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Swords of Honor